How to use your energy for change when change is challenging

How to use your energy for change when change is challenging

I know how challenging it is to grow your business.

The thing is: you can make it easier or harder for yourself. 

What are you willing to do?

What do you want?

What do you like?

The magic trick is to give these things your energy instead of the opposite.

You can do this!



“I pay my respects and acknowledge the people of the Yuin Nation, traditional custodians of the land on which I live and work. I also pay respect to all Elders — past, present and future.”

Read more from the blog.

Why I’m never busy

Why I’m never busy

“How are you?”“I’m so busy” This is the most common line I hear in conversation especially with business people and mums. It’s definitely a thing I used to say a lot and now I try not to say it at all. If I feel like I am about to say “I’m busy” I take a moment to...

Are You Creative?

Are You Creative?

Are you creative?  I pose this question to you for reflection. I have my own opinion about it.  If you are alive you are creative.  If you are in business you are creative. The old paradigm of our society tells us that creative people make art and then that art gets...

Interview with Rita Mind: The Creator of Journeys into the Subconscious Mind

Interview with Rita Mind: The Creator of Journeys into the Subconscious Mind

So often people come to me for help with marketing, but what I see is challenges with procraastination, self belief, fears and all the other things that hold us back from creating and succeeding in our business.
I am grateful to chat with Rita Mind love to guide entrepreneurs in knowing themselves better, acknowledging their potential.
I hope you enjoy this chat and connect with Rita if these challenges are stopping you from shining your sparkly light. 



Rita started as a side business owner, struggling with her fears and self-doubts. Hypnosis, meditation and journaling became her best allies in her life journey. They introduced her to the world of her subconscious mind and helped her explore her own thoughts. Today, she uses the same process to guide entrepreneurs in knowing themselves better, acknowledging their potential.

Most of Rita’s biggest fears were revealed in her dreams. As her dreams were recurrent, she decided to explore them in depth and find their messages. A journey that she is sharing through her online solo shows.

“I pay my respects and acknowledge the people of the Yuin Nation, custodians of the land on which I live and work. I also pay respect to all Elders — past, present and future.”

Video content

Video content

Video is a great way for people to get to know you while you do other things like laze on the beach or make dinner for your kids or even sleep.

But maybe you don’t feel like getting dressed up, doing your face and getting yourself onto video. Can you still use video for your business? 

I don’t want to spend ages convincing you a video is a good idea. 

If you are here you clearly want to start making videos for the marketing of your business. 

If you do not want to show your face don’t stop reading now because it is entirely possible for you to create videos in lots of different ways.

There is no denying how good it is if you can bring yourself to do videos of your own face especially if you are service-based. But if you can’t do that for whatever reason I do not want you to navigate away and not make a video for your business because it seems too hard.

There are loads of ways to get around not showing your face and all the ways of creating video give you some benefits.

I know that people always like to hear what I do personally so I will start with that and then I will also share a couple of other ways that I think you can create video if you want.

My current 2 favourite video processes are:

60-second (or less)

10-minute or so videos

I like to create short videos and publish them on Instagram. I try to make these 60 seconds long or less.

I create these on my phone and record them directly so they go onto my camera roll. Then I pop onto Instagram and share them in my feed with a small caption.

I love this method because I can experiment with ideas without investing too much energy in the process. I also find that people like to see me and they like to hear from me. These feel light yet intimate.

They are the quickest and easiest way for me to create video and they also feed into my entire content creation strategy. I have another blog post about that which you can check out over here.

Basically I test the water with new ideas in my 60 second videos so if they are well received they may get turned into a longer blog or video. I usually don’t overthink these and I get important feedback from my people when they do well.

The other way I love to make videos is using Zoom. I begin a Zoom meeting with myself, click record then I just chat away to the screen in my own meeting with myself.

When I click “end meeting”, the recording gets downloaded onto my computer. I am then able to share it directly to YouTube which I also embed onto my blog.

The fun thing about these Zoom videos is that I can often use the audio download to create a podcast as well. I just love it when one piece of content can be used in lots of different places.

I also like to use this video on IGTV (if it is not a how-to demonstration style vid).

One other cool thing about these podcast episodes is that I can create a video from the episode using Headliner App really easily. I have another post about how to use Headliner App over here.

If you don’t want your face in the video.

If you don’t want your face to be in the video for whatever reason you can still use the Zoom methods and just don’t worry about how you look on video.

You can then use the audio component of the zoom recording and turn it into a podcast.

The podcast episode can be turned into a video using Headliner app. This means that people can experience your energy through your voice without you having to even get out of bed.

Literally some of my podcast episodes I made late at night in bed or early in the morning in bed. That’s how easy it is to use Anchor. I then turn those podcasts  into a video without having to show my face at all.

If you don’t want to deal with a podcast and Headliner App you can also use Canva to create videos with an audio recording you have created.

These audio recordings can be created on the voice memo app on an iPhone or a similar voice recording app on an Android phone. You can then upload those to canva and add a couple of little animations and a nice stock image and then you have basically the same thing as the Headliner app video without having to create a podcast and without having to show your face.

There is a part of me that does want to kick in and start telling you how important video including your face is so I do just want to touch on that lightly.

A lot of people who come to me for a free 30 minute chat have already ”met me”  through watching my videos.

People often tell me how nice it is to finally meet me in person and that I am exactly like my videos and how comforting that is for them. Usually they watch my videos while I am on the beach, making dinner, sleeping or doing other things in my business.

I find this duplication of myself really great.

It means that people who are referring their clients or friends to work with me have somewhere they can send those people to figure out whether they want to work with me or not.

The other thing that is good about video is: if you’re posting them on social media the algorithm which decides who sees what content will slightly favour a video over other kinds of posts.

That is the end of my convincing you about why video is good.

There are just so many places and ways you can share video.

Here’s a hard and fast list:

    • YouTube video
    • YouTube short
    • YouTube live
    • Instagram Reel
    • Instagram feed video (60s max)
    • IGTV (15 minute max)
    • Instagram Story
    • Instagram live
    • Facebook live
    • Facebook feed Facebook Story
    • LinkedIn
    • On your blog
    • Twitter
    • Tik Tok
    • Slideshow with you talking over the top
    • Plus all the ways I mentioned in this blog

    I think if you are not doing video you are missing a really potent opportunity so if you’re not ready to get your face on I would recommend trying one of these other methods for creating video content for your business.

    If you found this helpful and you like, you can make a small donation.

    “I pay my respects and acknowledge the people of the Yuin Nation, traditional custodians of the land on which I live and work. I also pay respect to all Elders — past, present and future.”

    Know Yourself – Grow Your Business with Melanie White

    Know Yourself – Grow Your Business with Melanie White

    Know thyself – isn’t that just something the dead guys say?

    When Mel told me she wanted to chat about knowing yourself I got so excited – because it’s one of those seemingly throw-away statements that has really rung true for me in my business and life.

    And I find it’s helping me with my kid’s weekend fights too.

    Even though we are imperfect, we can really get a lot more out of life when we know ourselves.

    But Mel didn’t actually take the conversation there.

    She was talking about how knowing yourself can really help you to grow your business – and she should know.

    She is a coach trainer at Wellness Coaching Australia and also runs successful businesses supporting coaches and clients to get more of what they want – including me.

    I’ve been working with Mel for over 2 years and I love what coaching has helped me achieve – not just revenue – but on a personal level – with my family and with myself.

    Mel explains what coaching is and shares her top 3 tips for growing your business by knowing your self. Check it out:

    Listen to the podcast here:

    Comment below and tell me if this helped.  Have a great day 🙂

    Want to chat about your marketing?

    Do you need a hand to get strategic in your ads, website or social media posting? And what about emails? Are they even on the radar? 

    It can be hard to concentrate with so many shiny objects fighting for your attention. But let’s face it – you know more about your own business than any one else! 

    And I know a bunch about marketing. Want to chat? 

    Want more help with your online business presence?

    Do you need a hand with all the different ways your business can show up online? Video, Facebook, website, Instagram, Facebook ads, email marketing. The list can be overwhelming. 

    Book a complimentary chat with me and let's see if I can help:

    Podcast Audio Recommendations

    Podcast Audio Recommendations

    My husband is now a school teacher. And he spends his spare time in his music room making beautiful music that only we get to hear.

    When we met he was an audio technician (you know, the guys at the sound desk at a gig – very rock’n roll). 

    So when a client recently asked me if we could do post production on her podcast episodes to improve the sound quality, he and I had a long chat about how I want him to be the sound guy for my business so he can quit teaching. But he is not in love with my vision (LOL) so instead he wrote a big list of recommendations for how my client could improve her recording quality. 

    He says there’s no point doing post production because there’s only so much you can do if the original is a bit rubbish. 
    And then he wrote me a big (mansplasiney) list of recommendations to email to her. 

    Which I de-jargoned and sent off to my client. 

    I have now emailled it too many times so I’m just writing it all down for you in this blog. 

    When I teased him about not having SoundCloud, or a website or any way to shout out to him he said “just send money” so there is a PayPal donate button at the end if you want to say “thanks Jase”. No pressure. 

    Below the next image is the list of recommendations interspersed with my de-jargon. Enjoy. 

    P.S. He did actually just buy me a RODE NT USB which I use and find perfectly fine if you want an easier and cheaper option.

    Hello Podcaster

    Below is the info from the hub-man. 
    This top part is my de-jargon version:
    He reckons you are better off sorting out your recording gear than focussing on post production. 
    He said that a directional mic is best – the only thing is – a directional mic will need an interface.
    He recommends these bits: 
    Example Mic Rode Procaster   $240
    Example audio interface  $180
    The above mic and interface would make a big improvement in audio quality. Alternatively, the mic below has the interface built in. It is a bit less directional though (hears more noises other than the voice)
    Example mic and interface in one: $229
    Then, reducing outside noise will be a big help so he reckons this would be good:
    Any recording set up would be improved by isolation from external noise. This can be aided in a home recording environment by a shield like the one below.
    Example mic screen  $150

    And if you want to get super spiffy, this mount would help too:

    A broadcast mic works best when not held, and when located near to the speaker’s mouth. The desktop mounted stand below would achieve this.
    Example desktop mic stand $150

    And then if you have a stand, this shock mount would help:

    Further isolation from deep rumbling noises travelling up the mic stand can be achieved by a shock mount
    Shock mount   $59
    He reckons once you’ve done all of that, you’ll probably find it’s pretty good. 
    We can do “post-production” work on the recordings – like inserting sounds, promo snippets and other snappy production but noise reduction etc is not going to do much for a flawed recording 🙂 

    So there you have it!

    Jase’s top recommendations for podcast recording. For what that’s worth. 

    And if you do want to give him money, here is a PayPal donate button haha.

    If this doesn't make sense or you have more questions, please let's talk!

    Please don’t freak out about this! It is a bit of a jargoney topic and I have worked with many people who have over-invested in podcast gear and production. 

    Go ahead a book a chat now:

    What is Connected Marketing

    What is Connected Marketing

    This post is about the new podcast: Connected Marketing.

    I wanted to take a moment to introduce you to me, Natasha Berta, and explain what Connected Marketing means to me. In this introduction podcast I also talk about what kind of content you will hear on this podcast and why it might be a little bit different to what you find on other podcasts.

    Or if you like reading, here are the main highlights:

    What Connected Marketing

    I realised it was time to find a business name that works for me becuase my business is NOT just me anymore and I felt a bit odd saying “Me” wen actually the team had done that!

    My top three values are authenticity, connection and truth. So connected is how I like to do my life and business. 

    Connecting YOU to your clients

    Ultimately, the point of marketing is to connect YOU to your clients. So it makes perfect sense that we are doing connection marketing over here. In truth – all marketing is connecting business with their clients. So what makes this different?

    YOUR connection to your self

    If you are like me, you will have tried certain marketing tactics that don’t FEEL good. They maky you feel like you are not in your integrity and values. I talk more about this in the podcast but basically, I have a lot of sensitivity to supporting women (and a few lucky men) to deliver marketing that doesn’t keep tham awake at night and takes their values, integrity and nature into special account when developing a marketing strategey. 

    Your connection to me

    And since I am the one delivering this service, my qualities influence it! So you will be getting connected to my style of doing marketing which is influenced by my main values and just the very person that I am. I talk more about this in the podcast. 

    What kinds of things will you be hearing on the podcast and how are they different to every other podcast???

    I will be sharing some content that may seem similar to other marketing podcasters. Topics like websites, social media, video content, YouTube success, Instagram hacks, Facebook ads and email marketing. The thing is – I am not like other marketers and that will set this apart.

    My style of marketing is highly values and integrity centric which I talk about more in the podcast. 

    I will also be interveiwing some of my favourite business women who’s services compliment mine so well and I look forward to sharing those with you too!

    Go ahead and listen to the podcast now if any of that sounds appealing!