What is the Love Your Divi Website training membership?

What is the Love Your Divi Website training membership?

If you have a website built with me you get access to the Love Your Divi Website training membership. Yay. 

But what is that?

Well, it’s a place that I’ve bundled all of my website related videos and created even more specific videos to teach you how to use your new, beautiful website. It’s my way of empowering you and freeing you from unneccessary expense so you can look after most of your website yourself! 

Have a look at this video: 

The Love Your Divi Website training membership is included in your new website that is being built with me. You will get your log in details at our completion meeting.

Check out website options and pricing here.

If I haven’t built your website, but you DO have Divi and are struggling, you can access the Love Your Divi Website video library for a one off price of $19.

But don't struggle through if it's really wasting time....

You can still get my help if you need me. Go ahead and make time for a chat now:

What is SSL and why does it matter?

What is SSL and why does it matter?

Have you heard of SSL? 

Do you sometimes get warnings that your website or sites that you are visiting are not secure? 

In this blog I’m going to explain a bit about what SSL is and why it’s important for your website and for browsing on the internet in general. 


You can watch the video here:

If you’re folding washing or on a walk you can listen to it here: 

What is SSL and Why Does it Matter?

by Natasha Berta

Or if you like reading, here are the main highlights:

What is SSL?

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and is an additional level of security you can place on your site. It basically encrypts and encodes any data that leaves one user and goes to another user.

For example, when you enter your credit card details into a checkout on a website, your information travels through the internet as data. This data gets sent to the business who you are buying from or their payment processing company like PayPal and the like. That is the basis of the internet – data travelling from there to me. 

Why do I need SSL?

If you don’t have an SSL certificate on your website, users may get a warning that your site is not secure. 

This will stop most poeople from visiting your site. 

Sometimes this warning will display very early in the process of your website being built if your developer hasn’t activated your SSL yet. You should get in touch with them and your host to resolve this if it’s displaying once your site is live. 

It used to be the case that only businesses who were selling products desired an SSL but nowdays all websites will use SSL to maximise trust with their visitors. 

Why does it matter?

If you are the website user, it is important that you don’t enter any personal or payment details into a website that doesn’t have an SSL. It is very helpful to know how to check this if your browser doesn’t give you this information (see the video for how to check).

And if you are the website owner, it is essential that your website visitors feel that their data is safe with you or they won’t want to make purchases and they may not even feel safe to visit your site at all!

Do want to chat about your website?

I help people create Simple, Beautiful websites. I also love to help people feel empowered about their website so they can use it without having to worry about breaking it!

If you need a hand or would like to chat about how I can help you, go ahead and click the button below and make a time for a free chat (using my secure scheduling tool 🙂 )

What to do first to set up your online marketing

What to do first to set up your online marketing

Whether you are online only, bricks and mortar only, service based or product based and whatever mix of those 4, there are some things I recommend ALL businesses set up FIRST. 

Obviously, every business has distinct needs and every industry has different recommendations that I would make. The recoommendations in this post apply to EVERYONE 🙂

This post if for you if you are very new to it all and you haven’t set up very much or you’re wondering what to focus on FIRST.

If you already have a website and Facebook you would probably benefit more from my other post about the next steps after Facebook and website set up which you can read here:

Now, if you’re at the very beginning, what do you need? 

I have explained it all here in this video below:

Or if you’re out on a walk or folding washing you can listen to it here: 

Or you can read about it here:

#1 Facebook Business Page

Whether you want to be active on Facebook or not, I still recommend that everyone set up a business page for your business. NOT a personal profile, but a PAGE.

If you want to really focus on your website for ownership issues, or you just don’t like Facebook, I would still encourage you to have presence on the Face-beast.

Facebook pages show up in Google searches easily and a lot of people will search Facebook BEFORE they Google search.

If you aren’t really on Facebook becuase you love Instagram more – I would STILL recommend at least having a presence. You will thank me later 🙂

#2 Create a website

A website is a business asset. Everyone “Googles it” these days and if you don’t even have a simple one page site you are missing out on customers.

AND if you ONLY have a presence on Facebook you risk putting all of your eggs in one basket.

Having said that, I made $10k in my business before I had a website so it’s not the FIRST step but it is a VERY.IMPORTANT.THING.FOR.EVERY.BUSINESS. So get a website.

#3 Fonts

If you aren’t cashed up enough to see a graphic designer and get your branding created professionaly I recommend you choose at least 2-3 fonts that you are going to stick to for now. 

One heading font

One sub-heading font and

One paragraph/body font

I recomend you check out Canva and find a design in their templates that you like then use the 2-3 fonts on that design. 

You can always get professional branding later or change your fonts later. Just don’t change then every week or people won’t be able to develop a visual relationship with your business. 

#4 Colours

Just like fonts, it’s important to have some visual consistency in your online presence. 

From that Canva design you liked, you might be able to choose 1-3 colours to stick with for now. 

I recommend Black and White and 1-2 other colours. Even just one colour + black + white. Even just black + white. 

Keep it simple for now. 

And be consistent. 

You can get fancy later when you have more clarity about your business and audience. 

Need a hand to get set up?

I help businesses set up all of these marketing assets: websites, Facebook pages, as well as affordable 101 branding with your fonts, logo and colours. Book in a time for a free chat if you are wondering whether I can help YOUR business. 

Want more help with your online business presence?

Do you need a hand with all the different ways your business can show up online? Video, Facebook, website, Instagram, Facebook ads, email marketing. The list can be overwhelming. 

Book a complimentary chat with me and let's see if I can help:

The 2 things that aren’t so awesome about Kartra

The 2 things that aren’t so awesome about Kartra

I love Kartra!
What’s Kartra?
It’s a super integrated marketing tool that brings together all the bits and pieces like email marketing, sales pages, payment processing, memberships, affiliate programs, video hosting, file hosting and more.
I did a whole video about why I love Kartra HERE.
But there are 2 things that currently bug me about Kartra so I wanted to let you in on those today. Let’s go!

So, yes – Kartra is my favourite toy to play with. It’s more affordable than CLickFunnels and it does all the things, so what are these 2 things that aren’s so awesome about it?

As of September 2019, they are:

  • Calendars
  • Having to work in multiple tabs

1. Calendars

So, Kartra has this cool feature called My Calendars and when they launched I thought “OMG! Another system I can do here in this one place!! Does it get any better?”.

And it turns out, no. Not for me, it doesn’t get better 🙂 because the calendars have a couple of limitations.

They don’t synchronize with each other so you could double book.


So I contacted Kartra, thinking I was doing something wrong and they told me to simply set the booking to “Pending” then manually go in and confirm people’s appointment or tell them that they will have to choose another time slot.

What is the point of sending them to a calendar to choose a time slot – only to tell them that they have to go and choose another, different time slot?

No thank you.

Also, they are all set in US time and don’t convert very easily.

So, for now, we’re staying with Acuity thank you very much.

The workaround is to use the welcome email that gets automatically sent once someone purchases a session to direct the client to the Acuity booking function. Easy!

It’s all in the video if you want to have a look:

2. Multiple Tabs

The other thing that isn’t awesome about Kartra is the need to create one thing before another. I don’t know if those are the best words to describe what I mean, so let me give you an example.

If I want to create a product, there comes a point where I need to specify which sales page is for this product.


Open a new tab, whip up a sales page and use that.

Then it wants a thank you page too!


Same – same: in a new tab I make a thank you page then use that.

Similarly, when I want to make a membership, I need to allocate it to sales pages and sometimes a form or some other Kartra asset that isn’t built yet.

Now, this isn’t a real deal-breaker for me because I’m ok with having a few tabs open and switching between them, but it would be really nice if it was a bit more integrated or intuitive or something.

My demo in the video shows the dilemma best.

But don’t get me wrong!

I do love Kartra and totally recommend it at certain points in a businesses life. Comment below with any questions or book a free chat with me to figure out if it’s Kartra’o’clock for your business. 

Want more help with your online business presence?

Do you need a hand with all the different ways your business can show up online? Video, Facebook, website, Instagram, Facebook ads, email marketing. The list can be overwhelming. 

Book a complimentary chat with me and let's see if I can help:

How to use your values help you succeed in your marketing

How to use your values help you succeed in your marketing

Have you ever given some time to considering and articulating your values?

Having clarity about your values strengthens your marketing messaging and helps you attract more ideal clients.

It also helps you to focus on what is really important in your sales pages, social media posts and emails.

All good news right?

Let’s get started.

Clarity about your values can help you attract more ideal clients

Do you find that a lot of your clients are just like you?

They are either like you now or they are in the exact position you were in a few years ago or before a recent transformation.

That is why they are drawn to you: you are going to teach them how to make the same leap you did or grow into a new version of themselves through your perspective.

That is all very well and good – but what are your values?

If you are like me, you might not have spent much time journalling or using writing to clarify your values.

Journalling is a recent addition to my toolbox.

Even if you have journalled a lot, can you tell me your top 3 values right now? 

That is what I want you to be able to do at the end of this blog post.

To get started I want you to have a look at this articulate and comprehensive list of values:

This list was provided by Mitlè Southey of the Sistermind. Each month in the Sistermind you access a Guidebook with exercises just like this which I heartily recommend you check out. 

Step One

Read through this list of values. It is print friendly. Alternatively, you can grab a notebook or piece of paper.

You might also like a dictionary to clarify the subtle difference between some of these words.

Now, go through the list of values and circle or write down as many as resonate with you. You can really go for gold here. The first time I did this I circled a LOT of words.

I also LOVE the Desire Map process by Danielle LaPorte and I recommend that process too. This list of values can be a beautiful addition to the Desire Map process, just to give you more words to choose from and consider.

Just seeing certain words helped me uncover their relevance in my life. As if they articulated something I knew deep down but hadn’t been able to give a measure to before.

Step Two

Once you’ve got your big list it’s time to try to nail it down to about 3.

Mine are Connection, Authenticity and Freedom.

I used the Desire Map processes and a number of other journalling and coaching processes to come to this. And it happened over about 3 years!

So in the meantime, I suggest you ‘settle’ on 3 for now and keep it in mind to re-evaluate your values every 6 months or so.

Step Three

Start to use these values conceptually and/or the actual words themselves in your marketing messaging. 

I recommend using them in your:

  • Social Media Posts
  • Paid Ads such as Facebook
  • Email Nurture Sequences
  • and other places where you’re connecting with people who haven’t paid you yet.

The reason that this works is that your ideal clients often share your core values. 

They may be different to you in other ways but the 3 top values will often be similar or the same. 

What you DON’T want to hear about marketing…

Now it’s time to start experimenting. 

What? Experimenting?


This seems to be the one thing that no-one wants to hear about marketing. 

They want results. They want guarantees. They hear about marketing success stories and quantifiable results.

Yes – this is all possible.

And what you don’t hear about in the miracle marketing success stories is: how much money those businesses poured into trialing, research and split testing different messaging approaches just.like.this.one. 

Success stories are built on the back of a lot of experimenting and then looking at their results and trying something else. 

So let’s get started. Now. Today. 

You might just beat your competition to values-driven marketing messages!

Your Divi Website – Part Two

Your Divi Website – Part Two

If you have a WordPress website with the Divi theme and you are getting a bit stuck on a few things, I’ve created a bunch of easy to follow, how-to video tutorials to help smart women just like you. They are all on my YouTube channel but I thought I’d bring them all together here. 

This is Part Two of the Divi Website blog series. Check out the super basics HERE.

Otherwise, have a little browse and see if there are any vids here to help you have a breakthrough.

Video #7 – Easy Peasy SEO

In this video, I’m sharing some super duper basic SEO actions you can do for yourself on your WordPress website. This will help you to show up in Google searches for the keywords of your business. 

Video #8 – Get audio recordings on your website

If you’re keen to share a recording of an audio training you’ve created, like a meditation or a guided visualisation you can do it really beautifully and easily on a Divi site. 

This is also a great in-between if you’re keen to start a podcast but don’t want to wait for it to be set up. 

Video #9 – Divi Layouts

If you want a quick way to make a page that is designed by a graphic designer the Divi layouts are a great option. If you haven’t tried them I reckon you should check this out! 

Video #9 – Changing the social media icons

I created this video before the Instagram icon was a part of the regular settings. So this is a bit techy but you may still find it helpful if you’re on a social media platform that is not covered by the default settings. 

Video #10 – Modify and customise your social media previews

Have you ever tried to share your website to Facebook and the preview image is just totally unrelated or simply not what you want?

In this video, I’ll show you how to change your page previews for instance, when you share a page or post to Facebook. 

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