In today’s episode I’m talking with Claire Riley, the Recovering Perfectionist about Virgo Season and how taking small actions not only make you feel good, they also improve your happiness and SEO!

Claire specialises in easy, lazy, simple planning & systems for women whose almost-successful
online business feels messy, busy & disorganised. So they can make consistent income & serve their tribe so they can have more time to work & play their way.

Sonds alright huh?

My personal highlights

I loved chatting to Claire about:

  • the great things Virgos bring to the table
  • little things you can do to declutter your business and therefore your head
  • little things you can do that have a great impact

I hope you enjoy this interview. 

Get more from Claire here:


Want more help with your online business presence?

Do you need a hand with all the different ways your business can show up online? Video, Facebook, website, Instagram, Facebook ads, email marketing. The list can be overwhelming. 

Book a complimentary chat with me and let's see if I can help: