If you have a website or a business you have some legal obligations and opportunities! But you don’t have to be a dry biscuit about it.

You can actually do legals your way.

And my favourite way to do that is by using Michelle’s DIY Website T&Cs and other legal services.

She is the only person I recommend  for all things biz legals.

We discussed:

What kinds of legals you need for your website

Why fear is a part of many people’s expereince of legal work

What the differences are between copyrights, trademarks and protecting your secret sauce.

I hope you get as much out of this convo as I did!



Meet the lawyer who works in Fairyland.
I can help you ground your castle in the air on solid legal foundations.

I am an Aussie poet and storyteller who bought into the lie that I had to live in my head to survive. I collected layers and layers of intellectual armour in the form of letters – so many letters – after my name. I became a researcher, an editor, a lawyer, a mediator, always desperate to be of service, always bewildered because skill never seemed to lead to success.

It is time to write a brand new ending as the author of my own adventure.

I have reunited my head with my heart, and put love and joy in the driver’s seat. Law need not be based in fear and avoidance. The best brave boundaries are built on words that sing. I am the bridge between the old paradigm and the new. I am the channel of peace, the go-between, the translator… and I am choosing to ignore the whisper that tells me to stay beige, to doubt my power, to hide and be safe.

Once I forgave myself for becoming a lawyer, I could focus on being the kind of lawyer you need me to be. Now I am here to support you as you bring your magical business to life and make your glorious dreams come true.

More from Michelle: https://www.michellewhitehead.com.au/ 

I love Michelle’s style SO MUCH that I am an affiliate for her – so any links to her work from this site might generate a payment from Michelle to me. 

You could also Google Michelle’s work if you prefer not to support a small business 😉