Do you have unwanted followers on Instagram?

Or even followers who aren’t ideal clients?

You know the ones: 

Your mum, and other loving friends and relatives

People who are obviously following just so you will follow them back

Attractive members of the oppposite sex (or maybe you do want to follow them?!)

Did you know, if you are running Instagram ads, these extra, unwanted followers are using up your ad spend?

In this video I show you how to block less than ideal followers on Instagram 🙂

The Basic Steps:

  • Click on the profile of the unwanted follower
  • Click on the 3 dots in the top right corner
  • Choose “Block”
  • Instagram will give you a pop up reminder that the IG User will not know you have blocked them
  • And another pop up from IG that you follow them back any time later
  • DONE!

Also – here’s a little video about “Who shoud you follow on Instagram, another way to block people and how to manage your follows/following

How did you go?
Please pop any questions in the comments below.
I hope you have a gorgeous day and that those videos were helpful 🙂

Want more help with Instagram & Instagram Ads?

I have been having loads of fun lately running ads for my clients as low as $1.43 a day with great results in terms of engagement and conversions. And Instagram ads seem to be cheaper that Facebook ads a lot of the time. 

If you’d like to talk about Instagram, Instagram ads and other things, book a free chat now: 

Want more help with your online business presence?

Do you need a hand with all the different ways your business can show up online? Video, Facebook, website, Instagram, Facebook ads, email marketing. The list can be overwhelming. 

Book a complimentary chat with me and let's see if I can help: